What's PAC?
Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies(PAC) is unified by a belief that teachers of English around Asia have much to share and learn from each other. The main purposes of PAC are organizing conferences, publications, and research networks. A special feature of each PAC conference is the holding of an Asian Youth Forum (AYF).
PAC Affiliates

Call for Papers
Call for presentation proposals due February 12, 2023 for JALT's 49th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning.
Call for presentation proposals due March 1, 2023 for ETA-ROC's 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching.
Upcoming Events

Mission Statement
Discover New Horizons
- Create opportunities for collaboration among native ELT professionals and non-native with respect and appreciation for the distinctive contributions all make
- Enhance professional development for all educators engaged in ELT within and among countries
- Advocate equal access for ELT professionals in Asia to all PAC activities regardless of socio-economic background, race, gender, religion or creed
- Promote cross-cultural awareness, understanding, and appreciation
- Identify and articulate issues and problems impacting effective teaching and learning in the Asian classroom
- Pursue methodology appropriate to the Asian context to provide a forum
- Support cross-cultural collaborative efforts via: conferences, theoretical and classroom-based research projects, material development, networking opportunities, exchanges publications other programs
PAC Conferences
- PAC1, Jan 4-7, 1997, hosted by Thai TESOL
- PAC2, Seoul, Oct 1-3, 1999 hosted by Korea TESOL
- PAC3, Kitakyushu, Nov 22 - 25, 2001 by JALT
- PAC4, Taipei, Nov 8-10, 2002, ETA ROC
- PAC5, Vladivostok, Jun 24-27, 2004, FEELTA
- PAC6 (10th Anniversary), Bangkok, Jan 26-28, 2007, Thai TESOL
- PAC7, Tokyo, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2008, JALT
- PAC2009, Manila, Dec 3-5, PALT
- PAC2010, Seoul Oct 16-17, KOTESOL
- PAC2012, Vladivostok Nov 1-4, FEELTA
- PAC2013, Cebu, Dec 5-7, PALT
- PAC2015, Bangkok Jan 29-31 Thai TESOL
- PAC 2016, Taipei, November 11-13, ETA ROC
- PAC 2017, Seoul, October 21-22, KOTESOL
- PAC 2018, Shizuoka, November 23-26, JALT
- PAC 2020, Bangkok, January 30-February 1, Thai TESOL
- PAC 2020, Angeles City, December 3-5, 2020, PALT Originally scheduled as PALT 2019
- PAC 2021, ETA-ROC 2021
- PAC 2023, Seoul, April 29-30, KOTESOL